eDisha Haryana Login 2024, Application Status @ edisha.gov.in, Certificate Download

eDisha Haryana Login  :- eDisha, or the eDistrict platform in Haryana, is a centralized online system established by the Haryana Government to provide various services to its residents. Accessible at District Municipal Kendra or Municipal Office locations, “eDisha” stands for “Electronic Delivery of Integrated Services of Haryana.” This article will explore the functionality of the eDisha Haryana portal, outlining the services it offers to citizens. Additionally, it will cover the advantages of the platform and detail the necessary documents for availing its services.

eDisha Haryana 2024

To facilitate the digital transition, both national and state governments in India are actively digitizing their operations. In Haryana, the government has introduced the edisha.gov.in portal to provide citizens with essential services from the convenience of their homes. This centralized platform allows individuals to apply for crucial documents such as marriage registration, caste certificates, new water connections, EWS certificates, birth certificates, and more online. With eDisha Haryana in 2024, available 24/7, people can avoid the need to visit government offices, making the application process more accessible and efficient.

eDisha Haryana Login 2024

eDisha Haryana Login Overview

Portal Name eDisha Haryana Portal
Launch year 2024
Launch by Haryana State Govt.
Objectives Provide services to citizens on single place
Benefits Provide certificates, etc.
Beneficiaries Citizens of state
Category Govt. Scheme
Web portal Address www.edisha.gov.in

मेरी पहचान पोर्टल

Objectives Of eDisha Haryana Portal

The primary goal of eDisha is to simplify the application process for Haryana residents, allowing them to easily register and apply for various certificates, including birth, death, caste, income, and residence certificates. The objectives of the portal are:

  1. Enhance accessibility to state government services through online platforms.
  2. Centralize service requests on a single website for user convenience.
  3. Reduce service costs through efficient online processes.
  4. Promote transparency by eliminating intermediaries and ensuring direct interaction with government services.

Benefits Of eDisha Haryana

  • The eDisha Haryana portal operates 24/7, ensuring constant accessibility.
  • With its user-friendly interface, the website simplifies government processes and reduces the burden on government offices.
  • Citizens can conveniently perform essential tasks from the comfort of their homes, saving both time and money.
  • All services are digitized, exemplifying effective digitalization in the state.
  • The portal facilitates the issuance of documents like marriage and birth certificates, income and caste certificates, fostering transparency, and eliminating intermediaries.
  • eDisha is expected to play a crucial role in eradicating corruption within the state system.

मध्य प्रदेश सब्जी

Eligibility Criteria for eDisha Haryana

To use the eDisha Haryana portal, individuals must be residents of the state of Haryana.

Documents Required

The documents required for registering on the eDisha Haryana portal are as follows:

  • Aadhar Card and Voter Id Card for identification.
  • Ration Card
  • Driving license
  • Residence certificate for address proof.
  • Registered mobile number
  • Photograph
  • Mobile number
  • Email ID

How to Login on eDisha Haryana Portal 2024?

To access the eDisha Haryana portal, follow these steps:

  1. Open the official website for eDisha https://edisha.gov.in/.
  2. On the homepage, locate and click on the login option.
  3. Fill in the provided form with your user ID and password.
  4. Click the login button to successfully access the portal.

मुख्यमंत्री कन्या विवाह

Process Of Marriage Registration

To register on the eDisha Haryana portal, follow these steps:

  1. Open the official website for eDisha.
  2. Select “Register” from the menu on the homepage.
  3. On the registration page, provide your username, email ID, and password.
  4. Enter your mobile phone number and click the “Transmit OTP” button.
  5. After receiving the OTP, enter it to acknowledge the successful completion of your registration process.

Certificate Verification

To verify a certificate on the eDisha Haryana portal, follow these steps:

  1. Open the official website for eDisha.
  2. On the homepage, choose the option labeled “Verification of Certificate.”
  3. On the subsequent page, select your application type from the radio button options: “Caste Domicile Income & Rural Area Certificates” or “Birth and Death Certificates.”
  4. Fill in the required details in the provided boxes: “Enter eDisha Transaction Id” and “Enter CIDR ID or FamilyID.”
  5. After filling out the form, click “Print Certificate.”
  6. Your certificate will be verified and confirmed.

Rythu Bandhu

Process to Check Status

  • First, open an official website for Edisha.
  • Then, ‘Status of Application’ must be chosen on the homepage.
  • Enter your eDisha ID and cell phone number or family ID on the next page.
  • After completing the form, click the search button.
  • All of your data will appear on your computer’s display.

Check eDisha Haryana Marriage Registration Status 2024

To track your application on the eDisha Haryana portal, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official website.
  2. Click on ‘Track Application’ on the homepage.
  3. Provide your registration ID on the next page.
  4. Click “Get Record.”
  5. Your application information will be displayed.

Bangla Sahayata


In conclusion, the eDisha Haryana portal stands as a transformative initiative, revolutionizing public service accessibility. Offering seamless online services 24/7, it simplifies the process of obtaining vital documents and certificates. The portal’s user-friendly interface ensures convenience, saving time and costs for Haryana residents. By promoting transparency, eDisha eradicates intermediaries, contributing to a corruption-free system. As the state embraces digitalization, the platform emerges as a beacon, streamlining government services and empowering citizens to effortlessly access essential documentation.


What is eDisha Haryana and its primary purpose?

eDisha Haryana is an integrated online platform by the Haryana Government, providing a range of citizen services. Its primary goal is to offer seamless access to essential documents and certificates to the residents of Haryana.

How can I log in to eDisha Haryana?

Visit the official website, click on the login option, and enter your user ID and password.

What services are available on eDisha Haryana?

The portal provides services such as obtaining birth certificates, marriage certificates, income certificates, and more.

Who is eligible to use eDisha Haryana?

Residents of Haryana are eligible to use eDisha Haryana services.

What documents are required for eDisha Haryana registration?

Documents needed include proof of identity, proof of address, and other relevant certificates.

Can I download certificates through eDisha Haryana?

Yes, after successful registration and verification, you can download various certificates directly from the portal.

How can I track my application status on eDisha Haryana?

Log in to the portal, click on the Track Application option, and enter your registration ID to check the status.

छत्तीसगढ़ राशन कार्ड

Ayushman Mitra Registration


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